98% of automated cases have resulted in the focus of 2 sales representatives on customer service instead of order processing. 1 debt collection accountant has been replaced, and overdue receivables have decreased from 43% to 5% within 2 months.
NESO reviews your orders directly in the SAP system, compares all open orders with outstanding receivables, and contacts your customers via email to collect outstanding receivables, automatically releasing orders when all conditions are met. NESO ensures that the product is available and receivables have been settled.
100% automation of a human task translates to an average daily savings of 4 hours per retail store. With 600 stores, the potential of 300 employees can be focused on customer needs.
NESO reviews current inventory and identifies products that can be fully returned to the supplier (fully returnable by the supplier), based on previous trends and history. NESO prepares a list of products for supplier approval, generates shipping documents, and updates accounting systems for you.
98% of automated cases have resulted in 3 procurement specialists focusing on negotiating better prices rather than manually processing orders and deliveries.
NESO retrieves delivery confirmations from your incoming mail, compares them to open orders in your systems. NESO communicates with the supplier in case of delivery discrepancies and confirms orders when the delivery is in alignment.